Saturday 8 April 2017

Do I take any pleasure in the death of the wicked? declares the Sovereign LORD. Rather, am I not pleased when they turn from their ways and live? – Ezekiel 18:23

Today’s Scripture Reading (April 8, 2017) Ezekiel 18

There is somehow this idea that the God of the Hebrew Bible was one of vengeance. The B.C.E. God is supposed to be more like the rocking chair God who sits in heaven and can’t wait for us to mess up.  Armed with his lightning bolt gun, he can’t wait to shoot us down. In contrast, the God of the Christian Bible is more forgiving.  Often this God is seen as a buddy and a friend. This God is a being that wants more than anything else for people just to like him and be in a relationship with him. It is a battle between a God that resembles a stern grandfather and the God who is in possession of a pet that he loves and spoils. (I know, neither sounds very appealing – at least, not to me.)

The problem is that neither are an accurate representation of God.  God is truly holy and other – he is not like you and me.  The idea of God as a buddy is a recent development. And often not a popular one. Hymn like “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” have been criticized for their overt sentimentality, which some believe to be the disease of the modern church. However, God is, at his core, all about love and forgiveness. And even in the Hebrew Bible, we see the image of the Christian God. He is not glad when we mess up – instead he continually offers us ways to come back to him. The truth is found in the balance. He cheers us on to do better things with our lives, and he rejoices when we decide to make a positive impact on the world around us.

But God is also other. The word that the Bible often uses is holy. He is different. He is a God of justice that is coupled with mercy who sees this world differently than we do. And that is okay. We honor God because he is holy – but when you mess up (and we all do), he will offer you a way to turn back and live.  He always does. It is just who he is.

Tomorrow’s Scripture Reading: Ezekiel 19

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