Wednesday 21 September 2016

I belong to my beloved, and his desire is for me. – Song of Songs 7:10

Today’s Scripture Reading (September 21, 2016): Song of Songs 7

Businessperson and CEO Howard Schultz once remarked that “When you're surrounded by people who share a passionate commitment around a common purpose, anything is possible.” Schultz is speaking about his pride and joy start-up “Starbucks,” but the concept applies to all areas of life – and not just our business ventures. In fact, good marriages are built around this idea of “commitment around a common purpose.” For a family to thrive, the members of the unit, beginning with Mom and Dad, have to be committed to a common objective. I do not react well when engaged couples tell me that they are getting married, and they will wait to see if the marriage works. To me, that is nothing more than a recipe for disaster. No one should enter into any close relationship without some commitment around a common purpose. And in marriage, that commitment needs to be strong.

As we read this portion of the Song of Songs, we have just emerged out of a part of the drama that is highly sexually charged. There is almost no other way to read the first section of this chapter other than as a consensual, behind closed doors, sexual encounter between a man and a woman. The encounter continues following verse 10, but this verse is a break in the action that speaks about commitment. I belong to my beloved, and his desire is for me. The sexual encounter is magnified by this simple statement of commitment. There is no question about that commitment. The two lovers are sharing the same road, and they are moving forward in the same direction. They are committed to the path that they are walking, with eyes only for each other.

I struggle with the Hollywood description of love that has so drenched our society. It is the description of “the one” that God has planned for me. I do not believe in the one. I know, I have met young girls who have been taught to pray for “the one” in their nightly prayers – whoever he might be.

A better way to look at marriage is not that I am marrying “the one.” There are probably several people that we could be happy living with and making love to. Marriage has never been a celebration of finding “the one.” It has always been about recognizing that on this day, I have chosen you. I am committed to you. And that commitment has changed my life so that I can freely say that “I belong to you. My desire is for you and only for you. And I know that your desire is for me.” And with that commitment, we will walk together into whatever it is that tomorrow holds for us.

Tomorrow’s Scripture Reading: Song of Songs 8

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