Monday 9 May 2016

If the LORD had not been on our side—let Israel say … - Psalm 124:1

Today’s Scripture Reading (May 9, 2016): Psalm 124 & 125

We seem to have a hard time believing that we are blessed. There always seems to be so much that we believe that we need – or want. I admit that in the world that I live in, it scares me to think how close to economic hardship most of the people in my circle of influence live. But what scares me, even more, is the knowledge that there is no reason for us to be anywhere near economic hardship. We are there because we want, well, more. We have bought into the lie that we have to keep up with everyone else – that we deserve the finer things even if we can’t afford them. And so we push ourselves even closer to financial ruin trying to get them. It is the story of so many around me. If God would only allow us to have just a little more – then we would okay. But we need … more.

It is a principle of financial management that I try to drive home to anyone who will listen to me. You must have a plan with regard to what you are going to do with your money – no matter how much or little that amount might be. Without a plan, you will simply spend all that comes your way – and a little bit more. There are people in your world right now who make $30,000 a year and people who make $100,000 a year who share one common fact when it comes to their money. They are both one disaster away from bankruptcy. The amount that they make has not changed their financial future.

Even our sports heroes making millions of dollars are not exempt. Every day I seem to read about another ultra-rich person who has lost it all. Usually, the blame seems to go to a manager or a relative that wasted away their money without their knowledge. But ultimately, the blame is our own. We have to have a plan and have to be willing to live within our means. The secret of becoming rich is simpler than most of us understand. Here it is. No matter how much you make, live on less. If you do that and invest wisely, then you will win the lottery every time without even buying a ticket. But the truth is that few of us have the discipline to do that. And there is no one to blame but ourselves.

But all of this starts with one key understanding. We need to understand that we are blessed. If the Lord had not been on our side, let the people say, then we wouldn’t have what we have. God is already moving. One preacher a number of years ago spoke on the parable of the sower. At the end of the parable Jesus makes this observation - Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop—a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown. Whoever has ears, let them hear (Matthew 13:8-9). As the speaker closed his sermon I have never forgotten his words. We have already seen the increase, God has already blessed us with the hundred and the sixty and the thirty. Our job is to respond generously with what he has already given to us.

He is right. God has already blessed us. Say it with me – I am blessed! Whoever has ears, let them hear.

Tomorrow’s Scripture Reading: Psalm 131

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